Simple Umrah Guide
When you reach the Meeqaat (or just before it on a !ight) assume Ihraam and recite:
لَـبَّـي$كَ ٱللّـه&ـمَّ بِع&م$ر”ة
Labbaik Allahumma bi-`umrah. “Here I am, O Allaah, making `Umrah.”
If you are in fear of not completing the Umrah, then recite:
اللَّه&مَّ م”ح7لّ7ي= ح”ي$ث& ح”ب”س$تَن7ي
Allahumma mahillee haithu habastanee. “O Allaah my place is wherever you prevent me.”
Stand and face the Qiblah and recite:
اللَّه&مَّ ه”ذِه7 ع&م$ر”ةٌ لاD رِي”اء” ف7ي$ه”ا وFلاD س&م$ع”ة
Allahumma haadhihi `umrah , laa riyaa’a feehaa wa laa sum’ah.
“O Allaah this is a ‘Umrah, there being no showing-off in it nor seeking repute.”
Then loudly & frequently recite the talbiyyah until you reach the Haram:
لَبَّي$كَ اللَّه&مَّ لَبَّي$ك، لَبَّي$كَ لاD شَرِي$كَ لَكَ لَبَّي$ك، إنَّ الْح”م$دَ وF النّ7ع$م”ةَ لَكَ
وFالْم&لْكُ لاD شَرِي$كَ لَك
Labbaik Allahumma Labbaik, Labbaik laa shareeka laka Labbaik, Innal hamda wanni‘mata
laka walmulk, Laa shareeka lak. “Here I am O Allaah. Here I am, you have no partner. Here I
am, verily all praise for You, and every bounty is from You – and all dominion is Yours, you
have no partner.”
Also from the talbiyyah, is to recite:
لَبَّي$كَ إلَه” الْح”قY
Labbaika ilaahal haqq. “Here I am O God of Truth.”
Enter al-Masjid al-Haraam (the Sacred Mosque) with the right foot #rst & recite:
لَبَّي$كَ اللَّه&مَّ لَبَّي$ك، لَبَّياللَّه&مَّ ص”لbY ع”لَى م&ح”مَّدٍ وF س”لّ7م، اللَّه&مَّ افْتَح$ ل7ي أب$وFاب”
Allahummasalli `ala muhammad wasallim Allahumma aftahlee abwaaba rahmatika. “O
Allaah, send prayers and peace upon Muhammad. O Allaah, open the doors of your Mercy
for me.”
Start at al-Hajr al-Aswad (the Black Stone). Men only must uncover the right shoulder
by placing the Ihraam under the right armpit. When beginning each circuit of tawaaf,
make a sign with your right hand towards the Black Stone and say:
اللَّه أكeب”ر
Allaahu Akbar. “Allaah is the Greatest.”
Make seven circuits of Ka’bah. Men only should swifty walk around the Ka’bah for the
#rst three circuits, then begin the fourth circuit at normal walking pace. During each
circuit, whilst between the Yemeni Corner and the Black Stone, recite:
ر”بَّنَا آت7نَا ف7ي الدُّنْي”ا ح”س”نَةً وF ف7ي الآخ7ر”ة7 ح”س”نَةً وF ق7نَا ع”ذَاب” النَّار
Rabbanaa aatinaa !d-dunya hasana wa!l aakhirati hasana wa qinaa `adhaaban naar.
“Our Lord! Give us that which is good in this world and in the Hereafter, and save us from
the torment of the Fire.”
. Cover right shoulder, then go behind the Place of Ibraaheem and recite:
وFاتَّخ7ذُو=ا م7ن$ مَّقَامr إب$ر”اه7ي$م” م&ص”لpى
Wattakhidhoo min-maqaami ibraaheema musalla. “And take the station of Ibraaheem as a
place of prayer.”
. Here pray two rak’aahs. In #rst rak’aah recite Soorah al-Kaa#roon and in the second
rak’aah, Soorah al-Ikhlaas behind the Place of Ibraaheem if possible, otherwise anywhere
within al-Masjidul-Haraam.
Then go to the Zam-Zam taps and drink from it, and pour some water over your
Return to al-Hajarul-Aswad (the Black Stone) and touch it as before, if you are able,
saying “Allaahu Akbar”, otherwise set off to make Sa`ee between Safaa and Marwa.
You may now exit the Masjid al-Haraam with the left foot, reciting:
اللَّه&مَّ ص”لbY ع”لَى م&ح”مَّدٍ وF س”لّ7م، اللَّه&مَّ إنّ7ي أس$ألُكَ م7ن$ فَض$ل7ك
Allaahumma salli `alaa muhammadin wa sallim Allaahumma innee ‘as’aluka min fadhlika.
“O Allaah, send prayers and peace upon Muhammad, O Allaah, verily I ask You from Your
Finally, men should shave their head as this is best, or cut hair equally from all over
head. Women should cut #ngertip’s length of their hair. Your `Umrah is now complete, may
Allaah accept it.